






残念なことに、『情報商材電子書籍・検索に出てくるまとめサイト・ゴシップ系サイト・アフィリエイト目的と思われる調べてみましたいかがでしたか? 系サイトなどに、「複数AIに質問をして、回答を得る」やり方』は、応用可能ですから、一部の利用者が、例えば下記記事のように、












シンガプーラは、リビアヤマネコのうち、lybica と cafra の集団に属すると考えられています³⁴。これらは赤道以北のアフリカや中近東に分布しています³⁴。

アビシニアンは、リビアヤマネコのうち、silvestris の集団に属すると考えられています³⁴。これはヨーロッパや西南アジアに分布しています³⁴。


ソース: Bing との会話 2023/5/7
(1) 猫の品種「「シンガプーラ」とは-魅力と特徴|ヒルズペット.
(2) アビシニアン - Wikipedia.
(3) シンガプーラとアビシニアンの違いは?それぞれのルーツから ....
(4) リビアヤマネコ.
(5) ネコは自ら家畜化した、遺伝子ほぼ不変、最新研究 ....
(6) イエネコの祖先、6000年前の中欧での暮らしぶりが判明 ....


The Singapura and Abyssinian cats differ in size and structure. But they share similarities in that they are playful, like people (friendly), athletic, muscular, and curious. Abyssinians differ from Singapuras in that they are intelligent, like to explore the house, and need solitary time (time when they do not want to be bothered by people). How much do the Singapura and Abyssinian have in common genetically, assuming a Libyan bobcat, for example, and how much do they influence each other's tendencies as a species (though there are individual differences)?

The Singapura and Abyssinian cat breeds are both thought to have originated in Africa, and they share some similarities in terms of their appearance and behavior. However, there are also some key differences between the two breeds.

The Singapura is a small, slender cat with a short, fine coat. They are known for their playful and affectionate nature, and they are often described as being "velcro cats" because they enjoy being close to their owners. Abyssinians, on the other hand, are a medium-sized cat with a long, silky coat. They are known for their intelligence and curiosity, and they are often described as being "dogs in cat bodies" because they enjoy playing fetch and going for walks on a leash.

So, how much do the Singapura and Abyssinian have in common genetically? According to a study published in the journal "Animal Genetics", the two breeds share about 80% of their DNA. This suggests that they are closely related, and that they may have shared a common ancestor in the past.

However, the study also found that there are some key genetic differences between the two breeds. For example, the Singapura has a mutation in the gene that codes for the protein myosin, which is involved in muscle development. This mutation is thought to be responsible for the Singapura's small size and slender build.

The Abyssinian, on the other hand, has a mutation in the gene that codes for the protein tyrosinase, which is involved in the production of melanin. This mutation is thought to be responsible for the Abyssinian's distinctive ticked coat pattern.

So, while the Singapura and Abyssinian are closely related, they also have some key genetic differences. These differences may be responsible for some of the behavioral differences between the two breeds.

For example, the Singapura's small size and slender build may make them more playful and affectionate, while the Abyssinian's intelligence and curiosity may make them more independent and active.

Of course, there are always individual differences within each breed, so not all Singapuras will be playful and affectionate, and not all Abyssinians will be intelligent and curious. However, the genetic differences between the two breeds may make them more likely to exhibit certain behaviors.



では、シンガプーラとアビシニアンは、遺伝的にどの程度の共通点があるのでしょうか。Animal Genetics」という雑誌に掲載された研究によると、この2つの犬種は約80%のDNAを共有しているそうです。このことから、両者は近縁であり、過去に共通の祖先を持った可能性があると考えられています。








The genetic relatedness between the Singapura and Abyssinian cats is not well-established, but they are both considered domestic cat breeds with similar physical characteristics and personalities. It is believed that both breeds share a common ancestor with the wildcat (Felis silvestris), and it is possible that they have genetic similarities as a result of this common ancestry.

However, the genetic differences between the two breeds are likely greater than any shared genetic factors. This is because each breed has been selectively bred for specific traits, resulting in differences in their physical and behavioral characteristics. Therefore, while both breeds may share some common genetic traits, their differences are likely more significant in terms of their individual tendencies and preferences.

Additionally, the specific tendencies and behaviors of individual cats are shaped not only by their genetics but also by their individual experiences and environments. For example, while Abyssinians may have a tendency towards exploration and independence, individual cats may vary in their desire for solitary time depending on their individual personalities and past experiences.

Overall, while there may be some genetic similarities between the Singapura and Abyssinian breeds, their differences in physical and behavioral characteristics are likely more significant. Individual differences within each breed also play a large role in shaping their individual tendencies and preferences.

シンガプーラとアビシニアンの遺伝的な関連性は確立されていませんが、どちらも身体的特徴や性格が似ている家猫種とされています。両猫種は山猫(Felis silvestris)と共通の祖先を持つと考えられており、この共通の祖先の結果として遺伝的な類似性を持っている可能性はあります。


